New Mexico 18-Wheeler Accident Attorney

Large 18-wheeler trucks are essential to New Mexico’s economy. These commercial trucks ensure that goods get delivered to every part of our state. Unfortunately, there are times when the careless or negligent actions of truck drivers or trucking companies cause collisions. At Liles White, our New Mexico 18-wheeler truck accident lawyers are able to help if you have been injured in a trucking accident. Our team has the resources necessary to fully investigate these commercial truck accident claims and ensure that injury victims secure the maximum compensation needed to make a full recovery.

Why Choose Liles White for Help With Your Case

  • At Liles White, our New Mexico personal injury lawyers have the resources necessary to conduct a full investigation into every commercial truck accident case that we take.
  • Our personal injury law firm has secured hundreds of millions of dollars for our clients, including a massive $18 million settlement for a car accident victim.
  • We take New Mexico 18-wheeler accident cases on a contingency fee basis, which means that our clients will not be responsible for paying any legal fees until after we obtain the compensation they need.

How Can an Attorney Help in a Commercial Truck Accident Case?

Commercial truck accident cases can be incredibly difficult to get through, particularly because injury victims are often left dealing with multiple parties. This includes the trucking companies, aggressive insurance carriers, and even legal teams. A skilled New Mexico 18-wheeler accident lawyer is going to be needed to handle these claims.

An experienced 18-wheeler commercial truck accident lawyer can use their resources to obtain evidence that victims are usually unable to obtain. This can include information from the truck’s electronic control module (ECM), the truck driver’s electronic logging device (ELD), video or photo surveillance of the incident, statements from eyewitnesses, truck company safety records, and more.

What Are The Common Causes of 18-Wheeler Truck Accidents?

When we turn to data available for the New Mexico Department of Transportation, we can see that there were nearly 3,000 total accidents involving semi-trucks across the state during the latest reporting year. Out of these incidents, there were 56 fatal collisions and 745 injury collisions.

Large commercial truck crashes occur in a variety of ways, often due to the careless or negligent actions of a truck driver or trucking company. Truck drivers can be responsible for these accidents if they:

  • Fail to follow traffic laws
  • Operate too fast for conditions
  • Allow the truck to be overloaded with cargo
  • Fail to adequately inspect the truck before driving
  • Operate while distracted by phones or devices
  • Operate while impaired by alcohol or drugs

Trucking companies could be held liable for these incidents as well. In general, a trucking company will be held responsible for the actions of their drivers, so long as the driver was operating within the scope of their duties when the incident occurs.

Additionally, trucking companies could be liable if they:

  • Fail to properly train their drivers
  • Conduct insufficient background checks on drivers
  • Encourage drivers to operate beyond allowable hours of service
  • Fail to properly inspect and maintain their vehicles

What are the Different Types of 18-Wheeler Truck Accidents?

While no two 18-wheeler truck accidents are the same, there are some types of accidents that occur more often than others.  

These include, but are not limited to:

  • Sideswipes.  A sideswipe accident occurs when one vehicle swipes the side of another.  These can result from drivers failing to check their mirrors before changing lanes or oversteering into curves.  Sudden braking and speeding can cause a truck cab or bed to spin and sideswipe other vehicles;
  • Rear-end collisions.  Rear-end collisions have many causes.  Trucks may fail to slow or stop in time due to tailgating, distracted driving, or driving while fatigued.  There may also be a brake failure;
  • Side-impact or T-bone collisions.  This accident involves the front of a truck slamming into the side of a vehicle.  Passengers in cars have less protection for occupants along their sides, and this can prove fatal to riders in cars; 
  • Head-on collisions.  Head-on collisions are likely to be deadly because vehicles meet front-to-front, and their weight and speed are compounded with the force of impact.  Distracted or impaired driving can result in a truck crossing the centerline into an oncoming vehicle’s path;
  • Underride.  Passenger vehicles sit lower than 18-wheeler trucks and are known to slide under their trailers in a collision.  A severe underride accident can sheer off the upper portion of a car, exposing the whole upper half.  Underrides are more likely in rear-end collisions, sideswipes, and side-impact collisions;
  • Jackknife accidents.  Trucks jackknife when the cab and trailer slide toward each other and fold.  Jackknifing happens when speeds and maneuvers prove unsafe for road and weather conditions.  They can also occur if a cargo shift throws the entire rig off balance; 
  • Cargo shifts and spills.  If cargo is not secured correctly, it may suddenly slide, shift, or spill.  Any of these conditions can cause a driver to lose control of their truck and collide with another vehicle, rollover, or deposit hazardous material onto the road, creating an unsafe environment for anyone on or near the accident; 
  • Rollovers.  The high center of gravity of 18-wheeler trucks increases their rollover risk.  High winds, speed, sharp curves, and cargo shifts increase this danger.  

No matter what type of accident a victim suffers, it is crucial they contact an experienced New Mexico 18-wheeler accident lawyer quickly to protect their interests.  Without professional help, it is likely an insurance company would deny proper payment for any losses.

What Compensation is Available in an 18-Wheeler Truck Accident?

Accidents involving 18-wheeler trucks cause victims catastrophic injuries.  These injuries are significant, lifelong, and require costly medical care and treatment.  Therefore, compensation in commercial truck accidents is often more than in other vehicle accidents.  

While no attorney can quote an exact amount of damages any victim will receive, generally, compensation includes: 

  • Past and future anticipated medical expenses;
  • Physical therapy and rehabilitation;
  • Nursing care;
  • Property damage;
  • Lost wages;
  • Loss of income;
  • Pain and suffering; and
  • If applicable, wrongful death expenses.

18-wheeler truck accidents are a tragic event in a victim’s life.  While no monetary compensation could ever make up for the emotional, mental, and physical toll placed on a victim and their family, it will help move towards a more positive future.

contact our New Mexico 18 wheeler accident lawyer today

Call Our New Mexico 18-Wheeler Accident Lawyers Today

If you or a loved one has been injured in a trucking accident involving an 18-wheeler in New Mexico, contact the team at Liles White as soon as possible. Our experienced New Mexico commercial truck accident lawyers have a track record of success investigating these claims and ensuring that our clients receive full compensation for their losses. This includes coverage of medical expenses, lost income, out-of-pocket expenses, pain and suffering damages, and more. When you need a New Mexico 18-wheeler accident attorney, you can contact us for a free consultation of your case or by calling (361) 826-0100.